Italy > Veneto > Padova

Giorgia Pallaro è un Fotografo di Loreggia con 5-10 anni di esperienza.


I was born in Padua, Italy, in January 1991, and I work between Padua, Venice and Bassano del Grappa. I love take pictures of people, for both commercial and personal projects. If you're Leggi tutto

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I was born in Padua, Italy, in January 1991, and I work between Padua, Venice and Bassano del Grappa.

I love take pictures of people, for both commercial and personal projects.

If you're interested in my work, just see more on and mail me at [email protected]
Fotografa professionista

Occupazione attuale: Fotografo

Anni di Esperienza: 5-10

Ricerca Occupazione: Si

Disponibilità Stage: Si

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Indirizzo : Italy > Veneto > Padova
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