Italy > Piemonte > Torino

Hiro è un Grafico - Grafica di Torino con < 5 anni di esperienza.


My interest in graphic began since I was fifteen. I started using photoshop just for spending my waste time and for having some fun. As time went by the graphic ambient became my main passion. In Leggi tutto

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My interest in graphic began since I was fifteen.
I started using photoshop just for spending my waste time and for having some fun.
As time went by the graphic ambient became my main passion.
In 2010, when I graduated from high school, I enrolled at the Politechnic University in Turin, in the Faculty of Visual Communication.
The next year I will graduate here and then I'll search for a specialist degree outside from Italy, and maybe for some jobs.

Occupazione attuale: Studente

Anni di Esperienza: < 5

Ricerca Occupazione: Si

Disponibilità Stage: Si

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Indirizzo : Italy > Piemonte > Torino
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