Italy > Toscana > Firenze

Sara Forconi è un Illustratore di San casciano in v.p. con 5 anni di esperienza.


Sara Forconi was born in Florence in 1987, Italy. Since childhood she was accompanied with a passion ... the drawing. In 2002 she started studying painting at the Art Institute of Florence, where Leggi tutto

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Sara Forconi was born in Florence in 1987, Italy.
Since childhood she was accompanied with a passion ... the drawing.
In 2002 she started studying painting at the Art Institute of Florence, where she graduated in 2007 specialized in two-dimensional conservation and ancient techniques.
In 2008 she started a course in illustration at the International School of Comics in Florence which ended in 2011.
In october 2012 she published the cover of "Quando il cielo era sempre più blu. Rino Gaetano raccontato da un amico" for Historica Edizioni.

Occupazione attuale: Disoccupato

Anni di Esperienza: 5

Ricerca Occupazione: Si

Disponibilità Stage: Si

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Indirizzo : Italy > Toscana > Firenze
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